Balance: Cheating to Stay Sane

The stereotypical college diet pizza and beer…right? Last night was the first night that all of our group of friends were back in town and it also happened to be my buddy Sam’s birthday! Anyway, to celebrate we went out for 1.00 pizza slices and local craft brewskis. It was a nice break from the […]

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The Bulletproof Brainiac

I am not a morning person (read: I would rather  go to the gynecologist,listen to Nickleback, lick a public bus seat,ect.) than get up early. Alas, I work in the wee hours of the morning.And then I have class…forever. I have been drinking bulletproof coffee in the morning to help jolt me awake and keep […]

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First Post

I have been meaning to start a blog for a long time, I don’t particularly care who ( or even if) anybody reads it but I want to have a place to reflect, share, and squeeze in the occasional rant.But first, a little about me : I am a 19 year old college student studying […]

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